The Frustrations in My Life Imagined. . . At Least One of Them
In my "What Is Your Faction?" blog, I promised to follow up on comments that I made in it in future blogs. I covered the "Mom's Night Out" comment in my last blog. . . in this one, I'll explain why I think I was so grumpy that day. Besides the fact that they're famous American authors, what do Herman Melville, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Zora Neale Hurston have in common? All three of them wrote what most would deem now great American novels ( Moby Dick , The Great Gatsby , and Their Eyes Were Watching God ) that didn't sell all that well during their lifetimes but were rediscovered later and became widely praised and often studied classics. I was never sadistic enough as an English teacher to assign more than an excerpt of Moby Dick - most print versions are over 500 pages - but I did teach and love the other two. And I always found it sad that those authors poured so much of themselves into what they felt was a great accomplishment. . . and f...